Your Child Starting
I hope the website has encouraged you to know that we love children and that your child is safe with us. I hope it has made you feel that your child will thrive in an atmosphere of fun and opportunities. I hope from what you hear about our carers you feel assured that their focus is children’s needs. I hope I have assured you that the nursery is managed in a way that allows children to be themselves and that their needs are met at the highest of standards.
Unfortunately your child and you may not feel this overnight. As a mother, I understand how traumatic and emotional leaving your child can be. The trust can never be completely there from day one but your instincts tell you the decision is the right one. If we feel like this as parents can you imagine how a child feels?
Settling a child can be hard. Usually, by a couple of weeks, they are fine but some children take longer. Some children are shy, some are frightened and others are angry. Initial free trial sessions allow us to settle a child in stages. During these sessions, we focus on a child and child’s families individuality. This helps us to embrace and welcome and understand specific needs.
We make a point of trying to be as accommodating to parents as possible. This includes sleep patterns, eating habits, comforters etc.. Wherever possible we appreciate and understand that even though a need is not commonplace if it important to the family and child we will try and meet that need.
If your first language is not English we embrace this with language aids to help your child understand stories with props. There are picture boards so a child can tell us what they want and what they want to play with. Children’s individuality and an acceptance of differences in others and themselves are completely embraced. By doing this in a positive way we achieve success by having children that are confident, self-assured and positive about themselves and others.
“Exemplary systems are in place to ensure each and every child receives enjoyable and challenging developmental experiences that are tailored to meet their individual needs. As a result, children make consistently good and often excellent progress in their development. They are motivated and enabled to become active learners through high-quality teaching methods and an exceptionally stimulating learning environment. For example, the setting’s innovative and inspirational use of the outdoor area provides exceptional opportunities for children to learn outdoors.”
Procedure in starting:
You have been on our waiting list and we have now contacted you to say we have space. If you have not previously attended an open evening you will now be asked to see one of our nurseries at a time that is convenient to you.
If you wish to proceed you will be invited to a free trial session for one hour with your child. In this session, we would like to know all about your child’s needs and will go through some paperwork with you to ensure we have a grasp of your child’s specific requirements. You will get a chance to meet the team and see us in operation
If you want to go ahead and register at this point you will need to pay a registration fee of £40
Another session will be offered. Again, this will be for one hour but your child will be on their own
We request that you are available for us to call you if your child is distressed during the second settle session. There is no reason to prolong the child’s anguish and we will arrange another settle, with you or without you, whichever seems most appropriate (we rarely have to ask a parent to pick up early but for this eventuality may help in case it does happen)
“The leaders and managers of this setting effectively communicate passion and drive to secure improvements. For example, the imaginative development of new outdoor and indoor spaces provides innovative and inspirational learning opportunities for children. Planning and observational arrangements have been recently reviewed and improved.”
The day the child starts:
CCTV is available for you to see your child throughout their first day and everyday. Please ensure you are registered to access the server prior to the first day. We do not leave children crying and this will be a comfort to you to know this
For the first day and every day you will need to ensure your child has nappies, wipes, changes of clothes and shoes, and milk as required
Security arrangements and access codes should have been given to you. These are for parents only and this will give you access to the grounds
Daily diaries and one to one books will tell you how the day has gone
We hope you will be really happy with us and strive to give you and your child the best service possible
“The setting places the promotion of equality of opportunity at the heart of all its work. As a result, every family is welcome and all children are fully included and achieving as much as they can, taking into account their starting point and their capabilities. Exceptional systems are in place to ensure each child’s uniqueness and individual needs are recognised and met. This includes supporting parents to access additional resources and support for their children. Individual plans are devised in partnership with parents, key agencies and other settings in order to meet any additional needs a child may have. This is particularly effective in supporting children in the setting who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. The setting also supports a number of children for whom English is an additional language. The staff team have developed a strong understanding of how to support and value bilingualism. They use current good practice guidance to steer practice and support the development of English language. Children benefit from using and hearing their own home language in the setting. Signs and symbols, pictorial prompts and language pens contribute to supporting communication and inclusion. Resources are of very good quality and include positive images of diversity, which portrays the message that everyone is welcome in this setting.”