Terms of Business
Terms of Business for all Parents/ Carers:
Security, Health and Safety: For security reasons I agree to shut the doors after entry and exit and to ensure nobody else enters or exits the nursery or interconnecting rooms while I do so unless they are in my care. I agree not to smoke or use a mobile phone in the nursery or on nursery grounds.
Sun Cream: I agree to provide sun cream for my child in the summer months or to subscribe to the nursery sun cream provision. I also agree to my child having sun cream applied by nursery personnel.
Foods: So many foods now seem to be labelled ‘may contain traces of nut’ or ‘have been produced in a factory where nuts are used’. We therefore cannot guarantee that there will be no nut traces in the environment. If your child is known to be allergic to nuts, please ensure we are informed immediately and that an epi-pen is provided. An epi-pen must be prescribed by a doctor. We will try to be nut free but we cannot guarantee a 100% nut free nursery.
I give permission for my child to have food provided by me, the parent/guardian, and will take responsibility for its content.
Collecting my child: I agree to be responsible for having my child collected immediately if my child is unwell or if there is a need for the child to be removed from the nursery. I will ensure that someone will be available with one of the telephone numbers on the enrolment form, or an alternative that I give to the manager for this purpose. I agree to collect my child myself or, if somebody else is going to collect him/her, I will contact the nursery so a password can be obtained and given to the person I am authorising to collect my child. I will not give entry codes to third parties.
Payments: I am aware that late payments will be chased and charged, I agree to pay fees by the 1st or by the 7th, as agreed on registration. A £20 Admin fee will be added to any late payments which have not been agreed for each day that they remain outstanding. I am aware that the nursery will give notice to persistent late payers.
I am aware that ‘early drop off’ OR ‘late collection’ charges OR emergency overtime will be charged pro-rata to the next 15-minute band. The charge will be 3 times my hourly rate per band.
I am aware that authorised overtime, booked in advance, will be charged at overtime rates regardless of my normal hourly rate. See the current overtime rate on our website: http://www.nannery.co.uk/parents/flexibility-and-fees/
Courtesy Required: I am aware that the nursery will give notice to abusive/rude persons. I am aware that the nursery will give notice to persistent late or early arrivals that leave their children at a time not booked as this threatens our carer to children ratio and Ofsted registration. The nursery may not be required to give notice in this circumstance.
I understand that breach of policy or statute principles may lead to immediate notice.
Medical and Emergency: I agree to my child being treated by the emergency services should this be required.
I agree to a member of staff administrating medicines/providing treatment to my child or in the case of an emergency as staff consider necessary. I understand that, if my child suddenly comes down with a high temperature, I give consent for nursery personnel to administer Calpol or similar in order to urgently bring down the temperature.
I will advise the nursery if my child has taken or has any kind of medication to take that day and will not leave any kind of medication or potentially hazardous substances in my child’s bag or on their peg. I will give it to the Manager or unit Supervisor and sign the appropriate form if staff need to administer the medicine
I will inform the nursery if my child has had medicine within the last 8 hours, to avoid double dosing.
Records and Data: I agree to Child Development Studies and Records being kept on my child, this includes photographs being taken and distributed with diaries and via email to myself and the group of parents who are with my child. I also agree to records on my child being kept on computer, please refer to our GDPR Terms and privacy notice. I agree that my child may appear in promotional materials for the nursery.
I undertake to advise the Nursery in writing of any changes to the information given as soon as possible after (or before) the change(s) have taken place.
I agree that photos and observations on my child may be included in the portfolios of trainee carers and developing nursery staff on the understanding that their real names will not be used, please refer to our GDPR Terms and privacy notice.
Labelling my child’s items: I will label all my child’s clothes and possessions that are taken to nursery and provide spare clothes. I will also provide nappies, wipes, cream, labelled drink containers and cotton wool in a bag for my child if they are in nappies. I agree to dress my child in play clothes, shoes with backs and covered toes, (please no heels) and without dangling jewellery i.e. earrings must be studs.
Outings and Play: I agree to my child going on impromptu trips, going on foot or using nursery or public transport. I will not send my child to nursery that is unwell and ask that they are not sent out.
I agree to my child playing in the garden and using the garden equipment, including the trampoline, and take responsibility for this as long as appropriate supervision is in place. I will not send my child to nursery that is unwell and ask that they are not sent out.
Policies and Procedures: I have access to the nursery list of policies and will advise in writing should a copy of the entire policy be needed should I wish to study them further (file in reception, a copy can be taken overnight £2 deposit). Policies are all reviewed annually.
Child Absence: I understand that the charge for attendance is at the currently publicised rate and is payable if the child is absent. The rates are payable during bank holidays and shutdowns to include Christmas (between December 25th and New Year) and other enforced shutdown due to weather conditions, machine malfunction, child illness, government enforcement and other extreme conditions. All fees will still be applied for a maximum of 2 weeks.
Notice: I understand that 6 week-notice is required for any reduction in hours or for leaving the nursery with a further two weeks necessary if the notice period includes shutdown. In the case of grant, one term’s written notice must be given.
Changes in hours: I understand extra sessions, if notice is given in writing and if there is availability, are charged at the rate of authorised overtime. See the current overtime rate below.
I understand that any change of hour requests may take up to 6 weeks but may be available sooner for increase hours.
I am aware that all change of hour requests will be subject to a £30 administration charge.
Change in Fees: I am aware that prices are reviewed subject to viability and ongoing costings analyses. One month notice will be given. See the current rates above.
Fees for extra Administration: I am aware that any administrative requirements will be subject to a £30 administration charge.
If you are ever less than satisfied: I understand that if there has been a proven issue with regards the level of service, management will consider a reduced notice. The notice will start at the commencement of the complaint. I understand that I will need to apply in writing for this consideration. Please note that 1. another child biting or hitting your child can happen in any educational establishment however outstanding. This is painful and emotional for parents but please allow time for problems to be worked through. Also, 2. a soiled nappy can go undetected even in outstanding nurseries. We will not allow reduced notices for these two circumstances (1 and 2). I understand all complaints must be given in writing within five working days of the incident to be considered as part of the notice period.
Communication: I understand that important messages relayed to key workers or management of the nursery must be given in writing by email (or by text, accepted in emergency situations where a third party is picking up my child that day) to ensure that there is no ambiguity in the messages given. The company does not take any liability for messages given verbally that can be misunderstood.
I understand the above conditions are subject to annual review. Significant changes will be advised to parents by email. The updated terms can be found on this page and at https://www.nannery.co.uk/parents/terms-of-business/
I hereby consent to follow and meet the terms of business, policies and procedures, separate grant conditions (where applicable) and have received a copy of “All you need to know”. I agree to abide by all these necessary procedures and confirm that I will give the agreed written notice if I require to end this contract. Important communication will be sent to enquiries.the.nannery@gmail.com.