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What will my baby do?


Viewing the CCTV camera allows access to see the child's day.


Our baby room is an exceptionally inviting place for the children to spend their day.  It is a light and quiet natural space with beautiful views to the racecourse. It is managed by two mature staff that together have been at this nursery for over 12 years.  The loving, kindness and maturity of Tina and Ana and the exuberance of the younger team we believe make for the best and unparallelled environment, carers and nursery regime in the whole of Northamptonshire.


Children also particularly enjoy an outing every day and are happier and healthier babies due to the nursery regime.. They love the fresh air that aids their sleep and appetite. 


Babies are very special to us. We follow a flexible timetable to give our best to each child and to suit the parents' needs and mirror routines from home.


For all new parents, we offer pre-visits to discuss the babies’ needs and requirements. We have baby diaries where the key worker will write down information from the day.


“Children, particularly babies and children under two years, develop a very strong sense of belonging and settle well into the setting. Children attend settling-in sessions which allow them to become accustomed and familiar with the new environment and staff members.”OFSTED


High hygiene standards are imperative to keep babies healthy and safe. Individual bedding sheets and blankets are provided  and rigorous regimes of cleaning and maintaining equipment are scrupulously managed.


A baby at ABC123 enjoys the time and attention of all carers: They are never left to cry and are gently put to sleep. Rocked, cuddled, stroked, whatever little quirk and pattern your little one has. We always have the time and want to see that every child is kept comfortable and happy.


We stimulate the babies as much as possible throughout the day, using visual aids, musical toys, soft toys and mainly natural materials we use for heuristic play. The company of other children will also stimulate your child, aiding and supporting their rapid development. We talk and sing to them, keep them clean at all times and involve them in the other activities going on.


Cuddles and attention will help your baby feel secure and comfortable. They will grow up better able to communicate and interact with children of all age groups. We believe that confidence with your peers and elders is an invaluable skill that nursery life with The Nannery gives them.

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