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Admission Policy

FLEXIBILITY is the ultimate tool for parents and with grant or paid hours you can choose the hours you want to do.


The Nannery Ltd is an inclusive family of nurseries and all children are welcome. Parents/carers who want their child to attend the nursery can view the nursery without appointment to have a guided tour by one of the senior staff. This will be an informative tour where we can discuss nursery practice and your child’s individual needs. The hours and days that you require will be discussed for availability. Our nurseries are large so places are rarely unavailable, but if this is the case a refundable deposit is needed to reserve a place on the waiting list until the place becomes available. The amount will depend on the childcare requirements you need. When a place becomes available, you will be contacted to discuss induction, settling in sessions and start date.


Before a child starts, parents/carers will need to complete an admission form and provide proof of identity (child’s original birth certificate). Also included in the welcome pack is a four-page document which outlines each child’s likes/dislikes and routines which is used by staff to help settle your child into nursery. This can be filled in there and then or taken home and returned as soon as possible. Your child will not be able to start without this documentation being completed. Staff will offer any help and support to any parent who may need a little help in filling in the admission form.


With regards to waiting lists, priority will be made based on viability and maximum hours booked.  Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursday mornings are usually booked first.


A bacs refundable deposit of £40 or holding cheque (not cashed unless child has started) is required per family to secure a place more than 6 weeks ahead OR if grant only the relevant documentation needs to be completed.  If the child does not start on the date booked, whether grant or otherwise, the parent will be invoiced a further £100 to cover any costs incurred as a result of the breach in contract. The cheque will be paid into our account at this stage.


All placements funded places or otherwise will have to give 6 weeks’ notice.


The admission pack outlines our terms and conditions for the nursery, relevant information about your child, such as developmental milestones, along with emergency contact details, health care requirements, etc. This needs to be completed before your child starts nursery so that staff can prepare for your child’s individual needs. Nursery staff should be notified immediately of any change of details.

Please note we are a high risk for any child with a nut allergy due to animal feeds. Animals remain part of our ethos as does all outdoor learning.


Every new child will have an induction session where you will meet the team of staff who will be caring for your child. This is an informal chat about your child’s development, the basics of nursery life, an opportunity for you to ask any question and, if needed, Health care/allergies plans will be discussed.


We will also arrange settling in sessions for your child, which will aid their transition into nursery (see our Key Person and Settling in Policy). This will be the first week for grant children. This will enable children to become familiar with staff, surroundings and other children.


In these session’s, parents/carers will be given the opportunity to read through nursery policies regarding behaviour, admissions, outings, etc, or if required, have them read and explained to them but also to slowly leave your child to see how they are without you in the care of the team.


We aim to work in partnership with all parents and carers to ensure your child’s care is paramount. The more your child sees you at ease in nursery with staff, the easier it will be for them to settle. We expect a commitment from parents to communicate effectively as this is essential to enhance your child’s care and development. This can vary from a chat on drop off or collection of your little one, to newsletters, notice boards, homework and letters to parents. Stay and play sessions, open evenings, Christmas party, Graduation Day, nursery trips and various fun days throughout the year are to encourage parents to visit the nursery on a more informal basis with their children. This allows parents and carers to talk at ease to staff without having to rush to or from work.


Nursery security is paramount. On completion of your admission form, you should notify the nursery of who will collect your child each day. If there is anybody who is not permitted to collect your child, then parents need to inform management in writing. We use a password system to ensure the safety of your child. You choose a password memorable to yourself on admission to use to collect your child. This password should only be shared with other people when they need to pick up your child. A copy of all passwords will be stored in the office and will be checked before we allow your child to leave with an unfamiliar face. This will ensure that an authorised person only collects your child.


2 year offer Grant Funding


2 yr Universal   Maximum of 15 hours a week    Need to qualify **


Children become eligible for a place from the term following their 2nd birthday, with terms starting from 1st


January 1st April and 1st September.


Some 2 year can get FREE early learning and childcare support if they meet one or more of the eligibility criteria.


The aim of this support is to make sure that children from all backgrounds learn at the same rate as their peers and are school ready when they reach 5 years of age. Once you apply, the service will help you to get the free place to suit your child’s needs.


A free place is equal to 570 hours, which is broken down to a maximum of 15 hours per week across 38 weeks or less if over more weeks e.g. 11 x 50 weeks. You do not have to use all 15 hours, but you must use the free place at least 2 days per week.


Current criteria 6/19 – You can claim a free place for your child if you receive one or more of the following:

  • Income Support

  • Income-based Job Seekers’ Allowance

  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

  • Guaranteed element of State Pension Credits

  • Child / Working Tax Credits and annual gross earnings of less than £16,190

  • Working Tax Credit 4 week run on (the payment you receive when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit) (Universal Credit Eligibility Criteria will be confirmed at a later date).


Current criteria 6/19 – Children are also eligible if they:

  • Are a Local Authority looked after child

  • Are a child of a care leaver (Under the age of 25 years)

  • Have a current statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education, health and care plan

  • Access a Disability Living Allowance

  • They have left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or adoption order


** To apply for your funding number


3 and 4 year Grant


Universal   Maximum of 15 hours a week            All children over 3 years old*


Extended   Maximum of 15 hours a week            Need to qualify **


Total          Maximum of 30 hours a week


*Children become eligible for a place from the term following their third birthday, with terms starting from 1st January, 1st April or 1st September.


All 3- and 4-year-old children are entitled to a free part-time early learning and education place, consisting of up to 15 hours per week, for 38 weeks per year or less if over more weeks e.g. 11 x 50 weeks. You do not have to use all 15 hours, but you must use the free place at least 2 days per week.


Nursery will provide an eligibility form to you prior to start of each term for you to complete. This will ask your names, address, the hours your child attends, whether your child attends another setting, your national insurance numbers and date of birth. This is to support the council and nursery in identifying which children are eligible for pupil premium.


Pupil Premium Grant is funding allocated to nurseries & schools for the purpose of boosting the attainment of pupils from low-income families. It is intended to enable nurseries to provide targeted support to help children reach their full potential. Funding is allocated for children who are adopted and looked after by the Local Authority (LAC). For further information on Pupil Premium


Purpose of Pupil Premium (from the DfE Website)

  • The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main nursery funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

  • In most cases the Pupil Premium is allocated to nurseries and is clearly identifiable. It is for nurseries to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to nurseries per eligible pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.

  • Nurseries are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However, they will be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support children from low-income families.


Why is there a pupil premium?

Research shows that students who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in their school career have consistently lower educational attainment than those who have never been eligible.


How is the Pupil Premium used?

How it is spent is monitored closely with all nurseries accountable for the impact of the money spent. We are committed and working hard to provide effective resources to utilize the Pupil Premium to support children in maximizing their life opportunities – and ultimately closing the attainment gap. Our five key areas of focus are:-

  • Communication and language development

  • Personal, Social and Emotional development

  • Physical development

  • Reading

  • Writing

** To apply for your funding number

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