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2 and 3 YEAR Entitlement

Pricing Policy on Free Entitlement hours

Free entitlement hours are delivered at no cost to families: no registration fees or charges or deposits. Parents can chose any hours.*


On offer through the funded hours are either 11 hours per week, all year round or 15 hours per week term time only (38 weeks of the year). Hours can be used from 7-30 to 6 although we are available from 7am to 7pm.


We also offer hot food for a fee or families can bring in pack lunches.

3 & 4 YEAR GRANT FUNDING -  You must complate a form and supply a birth certificate or passport for your child AND a utilty bill within 3 months of the first day of term


AM I ELIGIBLE FOR 15 HOURS? All children over 3 years old, become eligible for a place from the term following their third birthday, with terms starting from 1st January, 1st April or 1st September.


AM I ELIGIBLE FOR 30 HOURS? If both parents work for over a set amount of hours this funding is available.  Please apply to  and gice the nursery your unique number


HOW DO THE HOURS WORK? A free place is equal to 570 or 1140 hours, which is broken down to a maximum of 15/30 hours per week across 38 weeks or less if over more weeks e.g. 11/22 x 52 weeks. With ABC you can choose the hours you want without any extra charges but you must use the free place at least 2 days per week.


2 YEAR GRANT FUNDING - You must complate a form and give the nursery a code begining in EC with a number following it


FROM APRIL 2024 All 2 year olds will receive funding from this date


AM I ELIGIBLE? To have a 2 yr grant you must be receiving benefits as a family. A child is eligible for the term after their second birthday , with terms starting from 1st January 1st April and 1st September.  


TO APPLY To apply for your funding number


HOW DO THE HOURS WORK? A free place is equal to 570 hours, which is broken down to a maximum of 15 hours per week across 38 weeks or less if over more weeks e.g. 11 x 52 weeks. You can choose the hours you want without any extra charges but you must use the free place at least 2 days per week.


WHICH BENEFITS? Income Support, Income-based Job Seekers’ Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Guaranteed element of State Pension Credits, Child / Working Tax Credits and annual gross earnings of less than (please check) , Working Tax Credit 4 week run on (the payment you receive when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit) (Universal Credit Eligibility Criteria will be confirmed at a later date). Are a Local Authority looked after child, Are a child of a care leaver (Under the age of 25 years), Have a current statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education, health and care plan, Access a Disability Living Allowance, They have left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or adoption order

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